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Das Magazin HR Performance befragte 5 Influencer mit drei spezifischen HR-Fragen in der englischen Ausgabe. Meine drei Antworten finden Sie hier sowie im Magazin selbst unter hrperformance-online.de/…Influencer.pdf

How do you see your role as an HR Influencer?

The world is getting more and more overloaded with news, information and rapid changing scenarios. We can’t get along with the evolving world outside in the first place, and there is no guidance or direction how to handle our operational work. And sometimes people feel such overloaded that there is no room for strategic thinking. I’m sure that influencing the people in our profession with good results, ideas and how-to’s will help them to do their jobs better!

What is the most important topic in the field of HR right now, in your opinion?

People & Culture, as a state-of-the-art term for what most of the world is calling HR, is the interaction of three areas Leadership, People and Methodology. We have to find and hire the right people with appropriate skills at the right time, having the best leadership with a modern and trust-based culture in place will help, to achieve outstanding results. Methodology is key to keep our business running. It’s all about this. Digitalization, Automated Sourcing etc. are only instruments, added onto our people & culture triangle. 

What is your vision for HR?

Speed up our HR agenda to the next level, from good to great. Take the responsibility, add value to the business strategy and deliver truly the highest excellence from a new standpoint – with people and culture centricity and the best talents on our people management department, with new instruments and digital tools. 

Quelle: HR Performance 3/2019, www.hrperformance-online.de.

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